
Most people depend on water storage tanks for their daily necessary water supply. And, a majority of water tank users tend to keep water storage tanks at a height. Did you ever think who so? It is truly a very thought-provoking question. Let the experts of Penguin Tank, a renowned water tank manufacturer in India provide the most appropriate answers to this thoughtful question.

Here we will be discussing two main reasons for keeping water storage tanks at a height.

1. Water pressure-

Among all the reasons, the fact of water pressure is the most obvious and evident one. Because, there works a simple formula that the more considerable the height of the water tank, the more water pressure remains there in the taps of a building or house. And, it is considered to be a notable scientific reason behind placing water storage tanks on high towers or at a certain height. This is the maximum gravitational force that helps water flow easily into the pipes. Contrarily, if water storage tanks are placed on the ground or under the ground, there comes a certain amount of difficulty to get the water flow upwards in a natural way. This is the most eminent reason why plastic water storage tanks generally are placed at the top of the building so that the water can flow downwards to the building spontaneously and people living in the house or building can use the water easily via tap.

2. Free from pollutants of the ground- rats and other insects-

The purest and cleanest water is one of the most fundamental needs of human beings. People who live in urban areas generally get water supply from some kind of public water tank placed on high towers. Even in large towns or cities, houses and apartments are more likely to opt for aboveground water storage tanks that can be installed or kept at height. Usually, there is a lesser possibility to get the water polluted if it is stored in an aboveground water tank that has been kept at a height on a building. Aboveground water tanks come with airtight lids that do not allow pollutants to enter the tank. Besides, keeping water storage tanks at height ensures that they are free from rats, mice, and other insects that can easily contaminate water if the tank is kept on the ground.

We hope, this query is resolved now. If you have any other doubts or queries regarding water storage tanks, you can get in touch with Penguin Tank, a promising water tank manufacturer in India. Visit us and explore a wide array of plastic water storage tank collections.

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