
In the previous month’s blog:we learned to conserve water in the bathroom.

Today we will focus on water conservation tips for the garden. Gardening is a water-intensive activity. Just think how much water gets wasted every day while watering your garden. However, it is possible to save water in the garden by following one or more of the following:

Water at the best time :

The best time to water the garden is in the morning and early in the evening as there is less evaporation due to the cool temperature. It also needs time to let the surface dry to the avoid fungus that can destroy the plants.

Use the right amount of water:

Most of us make a mistake of over watering plant and hence we promote wastage. For instance, clay-based soils require less water and light sandy soils need to be watered more. So, water them carefully.

Check weather and soils:

Consider the climate such as high humidity, freezing cold weather, windy, rainy or dry and the type of soil while watering the garden. Soils vary with location and adding mulch on top of the soil prevents moisture from evaporating. Add organic matter to the soil to improve texture and retain moisture. Compost is also a good option to retain moisture.

Collect rainwater and reuse water:

During the rainy season, collect rainwater in buckets and water the plants with these as they have natural nutrients. Reuse water from baths, washing machines, wastewater from water purifiers, and cooking while gardening.

Plant water conserving trees and shrubs:

Select drought-tolerant plants to save water. Prefer locally grown plants as they have adapted to the nature and climatic conditions of your area. Try to group the plants together in order to water them easily and more efficiently. In case if you have planted in containers, place the big ones around them. They will save the small plants from evaporating.

Select water techniques wisely:

Implement these amazing techniques while watering your garden and you can save a good amount of water. These include sprinklers, seep hoses, hoses, watering cans, and automated irrigation systems.

By following the above, you can save a huge amount of water while gardening. Water is scarce, let’s save it whenever and wherever we can. Penguin Tank is doing so, are you?

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