
Sitting at home with not much to do people are going on a cleaning spree most days during this pandemic. From washing vegetables 2-3 times before cooking to cleaning every corner of the house, people are doing it all. But while you are busy cleaning your whole house or your apartment, did you think about the roof, or more importantly your tank? When was the last time you had your plastic water storage tank cleaned? Right now, the water we are getting is quite clean due to the change in the environment. So, make sure your tank doesn’t have any sedimentation or algae growth. You should clean it before storing the clean water.

While you can’t get access to any of the services like before, it also doesn’t mean you can leave your plastic water storage tank unattended. After all, who knows how much longer we will be stuck in our home due to this pandemic. So, while you are unable to call the serviceman to your home, we are here to guide you on how to clean it yourself. You will see it’s quite easy and it will pass your time too.

Before you start cleaning, you will need some tools. We aren’t expecting that you will have professional tools to cleans your tank but you can certainly make do with what you have in your home. You will need a disinfectant which must be there in your home right now. A clean rod, a scrubber, and a water pipe.

After gathering your things, start cleaning the surrounding of the tank and the top of the tank. It is necessary to clean them as dirt is there too which can get into the tank. Make sure you have simultaneously drained out the water from the tank. It is best to clean the tank when it has become almost empty so that water is not wasted.

Now, you can use your pipe to clean out the tank. But before doing that take the clean rod, tie the scrubber around it and scrub the whole inner surface of the tank. This should be done to remove the sediments, dirt, fungus, etc. you can use a regular liquid or powder soap to clean it. After you are done clean out every surface of the water 2-3 times with the help of the water pipe. If possible, put it on the maximum pressure.

Next step is to disinfect the tank. But make sure you don’t use any harsh chemical. It is best to use chlorine or you can use the one available in your home. it will clean all the germ. After disinfecting the tank fill it with water and make this water run through the water pipes of the tank to get them disinfected.

Now, you can clear out the disinfectant with clean water from both the tank and the water pipes and then make sure to drain it out. Leave it open to dry and to get rid of the disinfectant smell. Your plastic water storage tank is now ready for use and you can fill it once again with fresh water.

So, try it out yourself and get fresh and clean water during this lockdown.

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