
Making good use of the water resources is very important, especially when water is the most important natural resource on Earth and there is a crisis of it. Watershed management is one such initiative that has been taken to manage the crisis of water. Penguin tank, a supplier of plastic water storage tanks, are going to tell you everything you need to know about watershed management.

What is Watershed?

You might have heard the term watershed a lot. It is basically the area where water gets collected and then gets deposited into a waterbody. Most of the times rainwater or snow that melts runs downhill into this watershed. Later on, this is deposited in a lake or a river along with a lot of sediments and other materials. All waterbodies have a watershed.

What Do You Mean By Watershed Management?

So, why do we need to manage it? We need to manage it so that the quality of the water can be protected and improved along with other natural resources within the watershed. Watershed management is done by implementing several land and water use practices.

What Is The Need For Watershed Management Planning?

Everything needs meticulous planning and that includes watershed management. To improve and protect the quality of water and other natural resources in a watershed, one needs to make a plan or a blueprint in order to come up with the best ways.

What Is The Importance Of Watershed Management?

The most important question we ask ourselves before we do anything is why do we need to do it.

  • Rainwater or melted snow can bring a lot of pollution to the river or lake where the water is getting deposited. During watershed management, this pollution is reduced by first identifying the different kinds of pollution present in the water and other natural resources and then trying to eliminate these pollution sources.
  • Several activities surrounding a watershed can affect water quality. When new land is developed, agricultural activities, various household activities like gardening, usage of the septic tank, runoff from other developed buildings, etc. can all cause the pollution of water in the watershed. During watershed management, these activities are identified and addressed to reduce pollution.
  • There are several parties that get affected by the watershed, which is why watershed management and its planning is important. Through this partnership, the land and water resources can be protected better as everyone involved has a stake in the quality of the water.

All sources of fresh water, natural or artificial are important. So, whether it’s in a plastic water storage tank or the watershed, water should be of top quality without any impurities.

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