
Afraid of Water Pollution? Learn To Test Water Quality At Your Home – Part1

To be Continued…..

As you are aware of the different water uses, let us continue to the main discussion now. Do you know you can actually test water quality at home? Yes, it is possible. There are three main ways of testing water quality all by yourself. Continue reading to find out how.

Use your senses

There is nothing better than to use our different senses to test the water quality at home. Begin with checking the smell of the water. Generally, there are three kinds of smell such as bleach smell, rotten egg smell, and musty or earthy smell. Bleach smell is not harmful as it is because of the chlorine that is being added to make it safe. This smell goes away when exposed to air for some time. Or, a home water filter is a good alternative to get rid of it. If it smells like a rotten egg, it means that there are bacteria inside the water and your water storage tank needs to be cleaned. A musty or earthy smell is also not harmful but needs to be addressed as to where it is coming from. Taste the water. Metallic taste means low pH levels or excess minerals, bleach taste means excessive chlorine, salty taste means the presence of chloride ions or sulfates. Check for the cloudiness and presence of particles such as brown, orange or red particles that come from rust in pipes and fixtures, black particles come from the hoses, white or tan particles indicates excess calcium or magnesium carbonate in water. Examine the color and if it seems wrong, contact the local municipality. Last but not least, check for the corrosion or build up of pipes such as blue, white or rust colored.

Get a Home Testing Kit

Buy a home water testing kit and follow the instructions mentioned to check the water quality all by yourself. It is easy and anyone can do it.

Obtain a water quality report for your neighborhood: Check the local website, download the current water quality report and determine the quality of water at your home. Simple, isn’t it? Let us help ourselves and do not be dependent upon an outsider to determine the water quality of our homes. Install a good quality plastic water storage tank alongside to ensure the safe storage of water such as Penguin Tank.

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